Saturday, May 22, 2010

A new Adaptive Easel!

A few weeks ago this easel arrived in my room. At my school we have a carpenter that makes adaptive equipment for all the students. His Name is Ron and he is amazing, the school is so lucky to have him.

As my students get older their wheelchairs have more difficulty fitting under the tables in the art room. I really wanted to get some type easel so my students could get right up to their work. Since traditional easels are not accessible I needed something a bit different. After meeting with Ron a couple of times he constructed this over spring break.

This easel has really made a difference in my classroom. Students of many shapes and sizes can use this easel to experience art. This works especially good for my students with a limited range of motion.


  1. Do you have the demonsions for this? We are building something very similar for a school near us!

  2. Hi, I'm interested in learning more about this easel--I work for a non-profit that works with artists with disabilities and we'd love to buy something like this--is there a chance your carpenter would be willing to sell the blueprints or sell us a similar easel? Please feel free to email me about it:

  3. Hello,

    Do you know if the carpenter would be willing to share the blueprints to this? We are in need of an adaptive easel for students that this may work for.
