I try to Incorporate the computer when I'm working with students one on one. I found this website a few weeks ago. My student are able to create a really interesting art work by using a switch to access the computer. It adds another option to my students who love the computer and hate getting messy.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Adaptive Scissors
Many of my student have a hard time using scissors (even ones manufactured for students with disabilities) and holding the the paper at the same time. My school's OT department came up with this wood base to mount the scissors on, so that the students just press the top of the loop while they (or the aide) move the paper along.
Adapting A stamp
Stamps are most often flat and small, and hard for student with special needs to use. Here I have adapted a sponge shape stamp so my student can better use it. The sponge is glued to a piece of cardboard, but next time I would use wood so it would last longer. Then I glued and old prescription pill bottle to the other side of the cardboard. This becomes a handle they can use, making stamping more accesible.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
This is how "A" paints
"A" likes art on his terms. I tried to get him to use a brush but he would alway turn it around and tap the handle on the paper. So thinking quickly one day I cut up some sponge into small rectangle that fit into the wells of the liquid watercolor tray. Right away he picked them out of the tray. He dropped them onto his paper making marks. He also squeezed them releasing the paint while moving his hand over top of the paper. I have to stay out of his line of sight while he works or he will just want to play with the sponges. I'm glad I found a way for "A" to paint because he aways has the biggest smile on his face when he enters the art room.